Definition: Percentage of responses by public school staff on the extent to which they agree adults at their school really care about every student, by type of school (e.g., in 2017-2019, 38.8% of responses by high school staff in California reported strong agreement that adults at their school cared about students).
Data Source: WestEd, California School Staff Survey. California Dept. of Education (Mar. 2021).
Footnote: Years presented comprise two school years (e.g., 2017-18 and 2018-19 school years are shown as 2017-2019). Data are unweighted. K-12 schools are classified according to the grade levels with greatest enrollment (e.g., schools with more students in the elementary grades than in the middle or high school grades are classified as elementary schools). Students in non-traditional programs are those enrolled in community day schools or continuation education. The notation S refers to data that have been suppressed because (a) there were fewer than 5 respondents in that group, or (b) the sample was too small to be representative. N/A means that data are not available.