Net Five-Year Cancer Survival Rate, by Type of Cancer

Year(s): 2006-2016

Stanislaus CountySurvival Rate
Lymphomas and Reticuloendothelial Neoplasms93.2%
Central Nervous System, Intracranial, and Intraspinal Neoplasms63.1%
Neuroblastomas and Peripheral Nervous System TumorsS
Renal TumorsS
Hepatic TumorsS
Malignant Bone TumorsS
Soft Tissue Sarcomas70.0%
Germ Cell, Trophoblastic, and Gonadal TumorsS
Other Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms and Melanomas87.5%
Other and Unspecified Malignant NeoplasmsS
Total for All Cancers77.2%