Definition: Percentage of public school students receiving special education services, by primary disability type (e.g., among California students enrolled in special education in 2020, 15.6% were enrolled for autism).
Data Source: California Dept. of Education, Special Education Division custom tabulation; National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics (Jun. 2021).
Footnote: Years presented are the final year of a school year (e.g., 2019-20 is shown as 2020). California data include children and youth ages 0-22, whereas data for the U.S. include those ages 3-21. Disability types reflect primary disability categories as defined here. Some percentages for deaf-blindness and established medical disability have been rounded to 0.0% and should not be interpreted as no cases reported. U.S. data may not sum to 100% due to differences in disability categories reported at the national level. The notation S refers to percentages that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 280 total special education enrollees, and to numbers that have been suppressed because there were between 1 and 10 enrollees in that group or to protect confidentiality. N/A means that data are not available or that the percentage was far above average for that year (more than 3 standard deviations above the mean).