Net Five-Year Cancer Survival Rate, by Type of Cancer

Year(s): 2006-2016

Solano CountySurvival Rate
Lymphomas and Reticuloendothelial Neoplasms100.0%
Central Nervous System, Intracranial, and Intraspinal Neoplasms69.8%
Neuroblastomas and Peripheral Nervous System TumorsS
Renal TumorsS
Hepatic TumorsS
Malignant Bone TumorsS
Soft Tissue SarcomasS
Germ Cell, Trophoblastic, and Gonadal TumorsS
Other Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms and MelanomasS
Other and Unspecified Malignant NeoplasmsS
Total for All Cancers85.5%