Definition: Estimated percentage of children ages 0-17 in living situations with incomes below their federal poverty threshold, by race/ethnicity and legislative district (e.g. in 2016-2020, 22.3% of Hispanic/Latino children in California lived in poverty).
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (Aug. 2022).
Footnote: The federal poverty threshold was $26,246 for a family of two adults and two children in 2020. Data presented are for children in families related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and children ages 15-17 in households with no relatives. Poverty status is not determined for children in some living situations; for details, see How the Census Bureau Measures Poverty. Race/ethnicity categories overlap (i.e., African American/black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, multiracial, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander children can also be Hispanic/Latino); for more information, see Child Population, by Race/Ethnicity. These estimates are based on a survey of the population and are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. The notation S refers to estimates that have been suppressed because the margin of error was greater than 5 percentage points. Because of disruptions to data collection in 2020, American Community Survey estimates for 2016-2020 did not meet statistical quality requirements and have larger than usual margins of error; see Information and Advice on 2020 Federal Data Quality and Use.