Caregiver Reasons for Not Vaccinating Children, by Household CSHCN (Children with Special Health Care Needs) Status

Year(s): Wave 4: Jun 2022

ReasonHouseholds with CSHCNHouseholds without CSHCNAll Households
Worry About Side Effects32.8%[!]36.1%35.1%
Vaccine Was Developed Too Quickly20.8%[!]19.8%20.1%
Vaccine for COVID-19 Isn't Necessary24.5%[!]20.9%22.0%
Don't Believe in Vaccination Generally11.7%9.5%10.2%
Don't Know Enough About Vaccine18.2%[!]17.2%17.5%
Plan to Vaccinate Child or Child Is Too Young40.4%[!]41.9%[!]41.5%