Definition: Percentage of children ages 0-17 in foster care on March 31 receiving medical exams in accordance with Child Health and Disability Prevention Program periodicity schedules effective July 1, 2016 (e.g., among California children in foster care on March 31, 2019, 73.3% received timely medical exams).
Data Source: Webster, D., et al. California Child Welfare Indicators Project Reports. UC Berkeley Center for Social Services Research (Jul. 2019).
Footnote: Child Health and Disability Prevention Program periodicity schedules require medical and dental exams by the end of specific age periods; children are out of compliance if they leave an age period without a required exam. Periodicity schedules adopted July 1, 2016—which increased the frequency of examinations for children in most age groups—are used to measure compliance for all time periods; as a result, data for 2016 and earlier may be lower than performance measured against prevailing standards of the time. Data are based on unduplicated counts of children under the supervision of county welfare departments and exclude cases under the supervision of county probation departments, out-of-state agencies, state adoptions district offices, and Indian child welfare departments. Data are excluded for children in out-of-home placements shorter than 31 days. The notation S refers to data that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 20 children who had been in foster care for at least 31 days on March 31.