Definition: Number of public school students recorded as being homeless at any point in the school year, by legislative district (e.g., 277,736 California students were homeless at some point during the 2018 school year).
Data Source: California Dept. of Education, Coordinated School Health and Safety Office custom tabulation & Legislative Districts for California Public School Districts (Apr. 2020).
Footnote: Years presented are the final year of a school year (e.g., 2017-18 is shown as 2018). Students are recorded as homeless if their nighttime residence is (i) shared housing with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason, (ii) a hotel or motel, (iii) a temporary shelter, or (iv) unsheltered. School district data are apportioned to legislative districts according to school district and legislative boundaries. The number of homeless students allocated to each legislative district is determined by the proportion of school district area falling within the legislative district. Data for 2017 and later are based on 2018 school district and legislative boundaries; data for earlier years are based on 2016 boundaries. A student may be recorded as homeless in more than one school or school district during a school year; as a result, these data may include duplicate counts of homeless students. The sum of homeless students across legislative districts may not match California totals due to rounding and because percentages of school district area across legislative districts in some cases do not sum to 100. N/A means that data are not available. Data for 2015 are not available due to changes in reporting.