Definition: Percentage of public school students who, on census day, had moved in the previous three years due to migratory work in the agricultural, dairy, lumber, or fishing industries (e.g., on census day in the 2021 school year, 0.8% of California students were eligible for the Migrant Education Program).
Data Source: California Dept. of Education, California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) Source Files (Nov. 2021).
Footnote: Years presented are the final year of a school year (e.g., 2020-21 is shown as 2021). Census day is the first Wednesday in October. The Migrant Education Program provides academic and supportive services to help students in migratory families overcome educational disruptions and other issues resulting from repeated moves. Data exclude California Education Authority enrollees and students in State Special Schools. The notation S refers to percentages that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 20 students eligible for the Migrant Education Program.