Definition: Difference between the estimated distribution of household income and a perfectly equal distribution, measured between 0 and 1, by legislative district (e.g., in 2016-2020, the Gini coefficient of income inequality among California households was 0.4874).
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (Aug. 2022).
Footnote: A Gini coefficient of 0 represents perfect income equality (all households earning an equal share of income), while a coefficient of 1 represents perfect income inequality (one household earning all of the income and the rest earning none). These estimates are based on a survey of the population and are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. Because of disruptions to data collection in 2020, American Community Survey estimates for 2016-2020 did not meet statistical quality requirements and have larger than usual margins of error; see Information and Advice on 2020 Federal Data Quality and Use.